

Home is usually told to be that apartment where all your stuff is and your family lives. For most of us home could mean something else. It could be the feeling you get in your favorite coffee shop, one beautiful boutique that have that unique atmosphere or a restaurant you can spend hours in. Home could be anywhere your mind relaxes and why not? There must be some elements in that place that make you feel almost like at home, breathe deeper, daydream and even miss. 

To me some coffee shops, hotels and restaurants do that. Hardwood floors, stonewall and big soft sofas do the trick for me. Add some candles and the right kind of music, I´m sold. 

 Small hostel Waraku-an really made me feel like home in 2008. 

What are the elements that make you relax? Did you know that according to some researches people breathe deeper while being in room that have wooden walls and floors? That might be the reason that you feel so relaxed after being in wooden cabin. 
Why won´t you try spending some extra time in your favorite place next month and feel the difference. After all relaxing is very healthy. It minimizes the stress in your life and keeps you strong while flu season. 

Here is another great recipe for you to keep the flu away!

Ginger lemonade

1 cup of sugar 
1 cup of water
some ginger grated
1 cup of lemon juice
about 3 to 4 cups of water 

Heat sugar, water and grated ginger in small saucepan until the sugar is completely melted. Pour in to pitcher then add lemon juice and cold water. Taste and add what is needed. When ready, put in fridge for hour. Enjoy!

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